Fraud techniques are changing rapidly. It’s more important than ever to stay informed to keep you and your customers safe.
The Fraud Bulletin is a bimonthly newsletter that shares the latest news, resources, and expert insights on both fraud trends and the technology that is fighting fraudsters on the front line.
Behavioral-Driven Fraud Is Having a Modern Day Renaissance
Takeaway: Fraud strategies like business email compromise (BEC) attacks and account takeover (ATO) scams have evolved from easy-to-spot phishing attempts into highly sophisticated operations- and businesses need to take serious proactive measures to protect their customers and their data. Phishing attacks are soaring: 1 in 100 emails is malicious.
The gap in users’ identity security knowledge gives cybercriminals an opening
Takeaway: Even when AI is rapidly changing technology, humans have a critical role to play in cybersecurity and identity security- and huge knowledge gaps are posing a problem for businesses and individuals alike.
New FTC Data Analysis Shows Bank Impersonation is Most-Reported Text Message Scam
Takeaway: New analysis from the Federal Trade Commission shows that the most common form of text message scam reported to the agency are text scams impersonating well-known businesses. High text message open and response rates make the communication method an attractive one for scammers.
APP Scams Emerge as the Top Payments Fraud Threat With Fraudsters Changing Tactics
Takeaway: The global cost of fraud is predicted to be $40.62 billion by 2027. Financial institutions and banks continue to see fraud grow and shift, with the current top three fraud tactics being Authorized Push Payment (APP) scams, card fraud, and identity theft.
Fraud continues to grow and morph in 2023. Here are the emerging trends businesses need to know, how you can effectively implement fraud prevention techniques and tools, and what it will cost if you take no action to stop it. View the interactive infographic...
Fraud is Taking a Financial Toll on the Retail Industry
In 2022, 2.4 million US consumers lost money to scams. In this article by AuthenticID Founder & President Blair Cohen, the retail industry now isn’t just using technology to improve customer experience and operations- they’re using it to keep bad actors at bay. Continue reading...
For financial institutions and banks, the continued risks of doing business online mean that your identity verification system is more important than ever. More and more customers prefer doing business online, and fraudsters have caught on. Implementing your identity verification platform is a crucial aspect of doing business. Read more in our Guide to Implementing Identity Verification for Financial Institutions: